In an unexpected move to address climate change, Kim Kardashian has launched the Skims Ultimate Nipple Bra, a provocative lingerie line featuring nipple-esque protrusions on the cups. The reality star's retro PSA promoting the bra emphasizes the illusion of going braless, even in the heat, with cheeky lines like, "No matter how hot it is, you’ll always look cold" and "Unlike the icebergs, these aren’t going anywhere."
Despite the campy approach, Kardashian aims to contribute to environmental causes, pledging to donate 10% of the bra's proceeds to One Percent for the Planet—an international organization encouraging businesses to allocate one percent of annual revenue to global environmental initiatives. While some social media users appreciated the philanthropic gesture, others criticized the bra's release as tone-deaf to the severity of the current climate crisis.
Amid the controversy, Kardashian received both praise and backlash. Some found the bra's shock factor insulting to environmental concerns, while others applauded its potential significance for individuals who have undergone mastectomies or breast cancer treatment. One user shared, "I’ve just battled breast cancer and lost my right breast, so for me, this is genius! Can’t wait to get one."
While Kim Kardashian isn't the pioneer of bras with faux nipples, her latest creation taps into a historical trend. Historian Dr. Einav Rabinovitch-Fox noted that during the 1960s and 1970s, the "natural look" gained popularity, leading to the marketing of bras promising a "no-bra-look" for women embracing a more liberated style.
In a world grappling with climate change, Kardashian's nipple bra has stirred conversation, leaving us to ponder if this controversial fashion statement might indeed become a trend—for the sake of the planet, as the reality star suggests.