L’Oréal-owned Shu Uemura has unveiled NFC chip-embedded stickers designed to be placed on the face and scanned with an NFC-enabled smartphone. These stickers enable users to apply three augmented reality (AR) filters on Snapchat and add digital makeup to avatars within the metaverse. The brand has partnered with digital fashion brand Rtfkt to create AR filters and digital makeup for use in Rtkft’s Clone X avatar ecosystem.
Each sticker incorporates a micro NFC chip that blends seamlessly into the design, offering a new realm of augmented reality content. Users can scan the sticker on their face, revealing various AR filters on Snapchat, powered by facial recognition
During the Viva Technology 2023 event in Paris, Shu Uemura showcased an Rtfkt avatar wearing one of these stickers. The collaboration aims to harness the limitless creativity of Rtfkt's digital creative community. Notably, Rtfkt and Nike previously introduced a hoodie with an embedded NFC chip, allowing buyers to connect it to a digital version within the Rtkft’s Clone X avatar ecosystem in August 2022.