Metropolitan Museum of Manila Announces Controversial Banksy Exhibit

Metropolitan Museum of Manila Announces Controversial Banksy Exhibit

Metropolitan Museum of Manila Announces Controversial Banksy Exhibit

The Metropolitan Museum of Manila (The M) has announced an upcoming exhibit titled "BANKSY UNIVERSE | MANILA 2024," aiming to bring the work of the elusive street artist Banksy to the Filipino audience. This exhibit, a collaboration with the Banksy Universe team—an international art production collective known for their immersive art experiences—seeks to offer an in-depth exploration of Banksy's work and its powerful social, political, and domestic themes.

In their statement, The M emphasized the significance of the exhibit, noting the challenges of experiencing Banksy's original works outside their intended locations. "BANKSY UNIVERSE | MANILA 2024 is a unique opportunity to learn more about Banksy’s art and explore the universality of the many piercing issues it raises," the museum stated. The exhibit will feature over a hundred pieces that trace Banksy’s career, allowing visitors to engage with his themes of anti-war, anti-consumerism, anti-fascism, and more.

However, the exhibit has sparked controversy due to its unauthorized nature. The museum confirmed that while the exhibit is a comprehensive showcase of Banksy's work, it is not sanctioned by the artist himself. This has drawn criticism from some art enthusiasts and netizens who argue that such exhibits contradict Banksy's ethos of making art freely accessible to the public.

Banksy's official website,, reiterates that the artist is not involved with any exhibitions, galleries, or institutions worldwide, underscoring the unauthorized status of "BANKSY UNIVERSE | MANILA 2024." Banksy’s statement on the website is clear: "Only Pest Control Office have permission to use or license my artwork. If someone else has granted you permission, you don’t have permission."

Despite this, The M is optimistic about the educational and cultural impact of the exhibit. They believe it will provide a valuable opportunity for visitors to experience the transformative power of Banksy's art. The museum plans to release further details in the coming weeks.

Banksy, a UK-based anonymous street artist, is renowned for his provocative works that tackle themes such as anti-imperialism, anti-authoritarianism, anarchism, and nihilism. Using media like spray painting and sculpture, Banksy’s art also delves into existentialism, greed, poverty, hypocrisy, boredom, and loneliness, making his work resonate deeply with a global audience.

As the art community awaits more information, "BANKSY UNIVERSE | MANILA 2024" is poised to ignite discussions about the intersection of art, authenticity, and commercialization, offering a provocative look into the world of one of the most enigmatic artists of our time.

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